A note to Cigar Connoisseurs

It is with great pleasure that we offer the HUMATIC® JOURNAL™ to all cigar lovers worldwide.

We have witnessed the rebirth of cigar enjoyment in the last few years. Thousands of individuals discovered the many rewards of an enhanced life style.

During this period we saw the birth of Cigar Aficionado and Smoke magazines. Along the way dozens of regional and pseudo-national publications have come and gone. Hundreds of wanna-be’s got into the cigar business. Most products introduced proved to be of dubious worth. While a few others produced items that are truly note worthy.

One of the best items that came out of the cigar renaissance is the HUMATIC® 50 and 125. These highly functional low cost items allowed thousands of people to enter the cigar hobby and maintain and condition their cigars for maximum enjoyment, without spending a great deal of money on costly humidors.

As the cigar industry evolved the HUMATIC® HD™ (disc), HS™ (square) and HR™ (rectangle) were made available along with the sensational HUMATIC® Scientific Solution. These items allowed thousand of more cigar lovers to step up to full blown humidor humidification control, at popular prices.

Four things are for sure:

  • Cigar smoking is here to stay.
  • The cigar and accessory business has stabilized.
  • Offering information in major magazines is costly.
  • HUMATIC® JOURNAL™ offers valuable and timely information that could not otherwise be offered in established trade publications at no cost.

For the casual cigar lover to the seasoned connoisseur, HUMATIC® JOURNAL™ has something for you.

HUMATIC® JOURNAL™ guides you to: Choosing a cigar and lighting up. How to properly store, maintain and condition cigars so your investment actually improves. Creating a successful cigar lunch or dinner. Selecting suitable spirits to complement your chosen smoke and ambiance. Exhibiting proper cigar etiquette.

HUMATIC® JOURNAL™ visits the worlds undisputed premiere tobacco growing regions in Cuba. Witness each step of producing the worlds finest cigars inside the legendary factories of Havana.

HUMATIC® JOURNAL™ frequents the finest cigar divans in Europe, S.E. Asia and the US. Learn from international experts what makes a great cigar and how to enjoy it. Relish an unencumbered life to the fullest.

HUMATIC® JOURNAL™ is created and produced by Mr. Michael Del Prete. He is recognized as one of the worlds leading authorities on cigars. Share his international travels and insight in the world of cigars. Experience the life style that captivates many of the worlds most interesting people. Mr. Del Prete is a true patron of the eighth art. The art of living.